29 September 2010

ELP class 1 part 3 - Monoprint


Monoprint, as the name suggests, is a single print. This is so because whatever you print will only be done one time as it is, the next time it will have a different effect. It is an extremely free process as you can make whatever marks and texture you want. You an also add to your print or acetate afterwards to create different effects, really everything goes and there are no restrictions. You can rub doen areas with safewash or add ink to other areas. I adore the Australian painter John Olsen and I love his print 'the laughing frog' so I based the print on that.

1. We were given acetate to work on to roll a layer of ink on it. Up to you how much ink you want as it will have a different effect that could be quite interesting. I have started rubbing, using thin line metal on the surface and also using safewash so it had a water colour effect.
2. After he work is done then it is onto the etching press with a big wheel to press it firmly onto paper.
3. I tried to be more experimental with the next one but put a bit too much ink on so the black ink dominated but never mind - when it dries I plan to paint on top of it with white lines...this is truly a free process but having said that, any drawing process is like that, you can match and mix until you get the effect you want and today this idea made quite an impression on me.